

Teacher Education is known to be an important field for research. Similarly, as one of the most popular and preferred fields, teacher education has been confronted by a lot of issues and concerns affecting and making it a relevant topic for discussions, debates, arguments, and studies. The very crucial roles and contributions of teacher education Institutions as pillars of teacher education, is of great value to a country like the Philippines not only in promoting teacher education but more importantly, in developing quality teachers who promote effective instructional high quality that focuses on student learning outcomes. Basically, teacher education institutions are expected to perform gigantic tasks of uplifting and upgrading, and strengthening the quality of teacher education. This paper aims to make a comparative analysis of field study courses as an input to pre-service and in-service teacher education with an end goal of coming up with a Student Teachers Enhancement Program, or STEP. Through the utilization of the purposive sampling and descriptive-evaluative method of research, this paper reveals the mastery level of the required competencies in the field study courses in the context of the URS experience. It was found out that competencies in the field study courses were very much attained as perceived by the pre-service and in-service teacher educator respondents and as statistically entered, the results revealed that there is no significant difference in the respondents’ perception of the mastery level attained.
