

The stand structure and species composition of the mangroves in Olango Island Wildlife Sanctuary were assessed using the following parameters: relative frequency, relative dominance, relative density, importance value, crown cover, abundance of trees/hectare, regeneration/m2 and constancy. The study recorded the presence of 17 species, 9 of which were considered rare in occurence. There was a total of 10,309 trees surveyed and O. octodonta registered the highest with 3,739 trees , R. stylosa with 2,827 and A. marina with 1,268 as the third. The area had a very low crown cover with 23.06%. Regenerants were also very few with 1.3 wildling /sq.m2. Also, the mangroves in OIWS showed a small basal area of 1.27 m2/hectare indicating there was overharvesting/ overcutting of the trees. To prevent further degradation of the place, there is an urgency to reforest the area, with emphasis on planting the disappearing/lost species observed.
