A q-analogue of second kind r-Whitney numbers, denoted by ������,��[��,��], is defined by means of a triangular recurrence relation. The rational generating function is obtained which, consequently, gives an explicit formula in symmetric function form. This explicit formula is used to give combinatorial interpretation for ������,��[��,��] in the context of 0-1 tableau. A kind of generalization of Carlitz formula is derived using the combinatorics of A-tableaux. Moreover, some convolution-type identities for ������,��[��,��] are established which yield LU-factorization of the matrices (������,��[��,��])��,��≥0.
Recommended Citation
Corcino, Roberto B. and Corcino, Cristina B.
"Some Convolution-Type Identities of a q-Analogue of Second Kind r-Whitney Numbers,"
CNU Journal of Higher Education: Vol. 9:
1, Article 16.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.70997/2546-1796.1126
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