

The study evaluated the effect of researcher developed science literacy instructional materials on pre-service elementary teachers’ attitude and achievement in chemistry during the first semester of school year 2012-2013. Using quasi-experimental design, 14 validated reading materials that were developed by the researcher were utilized as supplemental reading materials in a chemistry classroom. The experimental group was exposed to 30 minute PowerPoint presentation followed by reading infusion activity while the control group was exposed to the same PowerPoint presentation followed by either seat work or class discussion. English Proficiency Test was also given to determine if groups are comparable. Descriptive statistics was used to describe pretest and posttest scores while T-test of Independent Samples was utilized to analyze results from English Proficiency Test. ANCOVA was employed to determine the effects of the teaching strategies on students’ achievement. Wilcoxon-Mann Whitney Test was used to determine whether there is a significant difference in the attitude. Results indicated comparable performance between the two groups. The use of materials focused on science literacy has the same effect with the conventional method.
