

This study determined the cognitive (educational attainment and cognitive ability) and non-cognitive (marital status, basic activities of daily living, instrumental ADL, social support and spirituality) factors that predict the quality of life of older adults admitted into elderly institutions and community-dwelling elderly. Utilizing a correlational design, the study involved 263 elderly participants ( 100 institutionalized and 163 community-dwelling) in the Visayas and Mindanao regions. Using regression analysis, marital status, instrumental ADL and social support were considered significant predictors of QoL among the institutionalized elderly. On the other hand, marital status, educational attainment, basic ADL, instrumental ADL and social support significantly predicted the quality of life of the elderly in the community. When grouped as one, marital status, educational attainment, instrumental ADL and social support were considered significant predictors of QoL. The place of residence of the elderly clearly provided a differential influence on the predictors of the quality of life. Moreover, it was noted that the attainment of quality of life in the elderly required the consideration of the social, emotional and physical needs of the participants.
