

This study determined the current risk behaviors of the youth ages 12-19 years old in Cebu through the incidence of risk behaviors among youth based on the risk behavior domains of violence or aggression, depression and suicidal ideation, substance use, sexual behaviors and health-related behaviors- among urban and rural public secondary school students in Cebu. A cross-sectional survey was utilized in this study. A multistage sampling was employed with a sample of 743 secondary students as respondents to acquire a robust representation of the population. The Youth Risk Behavior Survey (CDCC, 2009) which was modified to fit the objectives of the study was utilized. Risk behaviors were taken as nominal data, as well as, gender, subjective economic status and geographical areas. The study showed that there was a difference in the youth risk behaviors in four domains, namely, violence / aggression, depression and suicidal ideation, substance use and sexual behaviors among secondary school students in Cebu. The domain of depression and of suicidal ideation was the highest while sexual behavior was the lowest in both urban and rural areas in the early and late adolescent stages. In terms of gender, physical aggression and depression/suicidal ideation were two of the most common high risk behaviors of both males and females. However, it is noticeable that income groups where the factor of income group was concerned, low and moderate family earners were more at risk to develop depression and suicidal ideation but the high income earners were significantly more prone to substance use and sexual aggression.
