The worsening condition of Butuanon river and its vulnerability to water pollution and further degradation is largely influenced by anthropogenic activities. This study investigated the waste disposal practices and water utilization of Butuanon riverside communities and how these factors influence the physicochemical and microbiological components of the river. Ninety households from 10 barangays situated along the Butuanon River were randomly selected and provided information through a household survey. Water samples (n=3 per barangay) were analyzed for physicochemical and microbiological indicators. Results show that majority of households (75%) dump plastic waste and some (6.7%) dispose human and animal waste into the river. These practices resulted to the low dissolved oxygen (0-0.4 mg/L DO) and a very high biological and oxygen demand (8-379 mg/L BOD and 43-597 mg/L COD, respectively) which suggest that the river cannot sustainably support diverse aquatic life. Total coliform concentration (1.7 x105 to 1.4 x1012 MPN / 100ml) further suggests that Butuanon river water is not suitable for either animal or human consumption. Although some of the diseases were linked to the dirty river water and the air that comes from it, the present study cannot infer that the pathogens that caused these diseases come directly from the river.
Recommended Citation
Picardal, Jay P.; Bendoy, Anelyn; Calumba, Joyce R.; and Marababol, Mario S.
"Impacts of Waste Disposal Practices and Water
Utilization of Riverside Dwellers on Physicochemical and Microbiological Properties of Butuanon
River, Central Visayas,"
CNU Journal of Higher Education: Vol. 6:
2, Article 4.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.70997/2546-1796.1147
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