Knowledge management is a new revolution in information related areas. The role of library in the 21st century in knowledge management will become more and more important along with the development of knowledge. Knowledge management requires linkage of information with information, information with activities and information with man so as to realize the sharing of knowledge. The study employed the scenario building and context-based forecasting approaches. Five libraries were chosen as subjects with the key context factors: technology and social trends. Findings revealed that the most probable scenario is Scenario 1 (42%): high technology, modern users and quadrant 2 (24%) and 4 (21%) as alternative scenarios. The application of information technologies enlarges the scope of knowledge acquisition, raises knowledge acquisition speed and reduces knowledge acquisition cost. In order to do that, it is necessary that library technology be present and be maximally utilized, thereby, creating new knowledge and capabilities, innovation, superior performance, and enhancing user value. Library professionals have enormous role in using knowledge management as a tool for diffusion and management of knowledge. In the 21st century, the library will inevitably face the new subject of knowledge management.
Recommended Citation
Laspiñas, Marilyn L. and Torrejos, Maria Divine D.
"Delphi Forecasts of the Roles of Library in 21st Century Knowledge Management,"
CNU Journal of Higher Education: Vol. 6:
1, Article 4.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.70997/2546-1796.1135
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