

The objectives of this descriptive research were: (1) to study caring behaviors of staff nurses perceived by coronary heart disease patients (2) to find the relationship between caring behavior, chest pain and the anxiety of coronary heart disease patients at a tertiary hospital in the lower northern part of Thailand. The sample comprised 389 coronary heart disease patients who were admitted in three hospitals: Buddachinaraj Hospital, Sawanpracharuk Hospital and Uttaradit Hospital from August 2009 to April 2010. Purposive sampling was used for selecting the sample. The research tool comprised two sets of questionnaires covering a demographic recording form and the Nelson, Watson and Inova Health Care‘s Caring Factor Survey instrument (7 scales). The Nelson, Watson and Inova Health Care’s Caring Factor Survey was tested for reliability and validity. The Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficients of the Nelson, Watson and INOVA Health Care‘s Caring Factor Survey was 0.94. The statistical devices used for data analysis were descriptive statistics (frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation) and the point biserial correlation coefficient. The findings were: the coronary heart disease patients perceived the caring behaviors of staff nurses at a high level.(X = 6.07, SD = .58); There was no correlation between the caring behaviors of staff nurses and patients’ chest pain; There was a small positive correlation between the caring behaviors of staff nurses and the patients’ anxiety. It is suggested that qualified nursing activities should always include caring as perceived by patients.
