This paper tries to provide a new perspective to illustrate the changing role of government from ‘top’ policy maker towards policy moderator based on the empirical findings of the e-Taiwan Project. The architecture of governing digital transformation in conjunction with e-Taiwan policy can be observed from two aspects. One is that the state is governing the process of technological change with special reference to introducing ICTs intensively in order to transform Taiwan from an industrial island into a digital island, while the other is that the state is changing the governing nature of digital development policy from a government structure to that of a governance structure. It is argued that traditional theories about the political economy of development can not fully fit into the trend of changes in the digital age. The new type of government-industrial relationship in the domain of the e-Taiwan policy can be characterized as governing digital transformation based on the combination of professional network and intergovernmental network.
Recommended Citation
Liu, Hung-Hwei
"Governing Digital Transformation
in Taiwan,"
CNU Journal of Higher Education: Vol. 3:
1, Article 4.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.70997/2546-1796.1058
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