

The main task attained in this study was the determination of the effects of multimedia health teaching on the breastfeeding duration, by comparing the exclusive breast-feeding duration of mothers sub­jected to multimedia health teaching and exclusive breast-feeding dura­tion of mothers not subjected to the same health teaching. Methodol­ogy utilized a Randomized Controlled trial design; ten mothers were randomly placed in an experimental group (subjected to multimedia health teaching) and ten mothers were placed in a control group (not subjected to multimedia health teaching) and a one- tailed independent t-test was used to determine if there was a difference at the p==0.05 level of significance in the exclusive breast-feeding duration between the two groups. Scores obtained were: t-score=l.5.48; df=l 8; p=0.06, hence there is no significant difference. Mothers subjected to multime­dia health teaching did not have longer exclusive breast-feeding dura­tion than mothers not subjected to the same.
