

This case study studied the apprentice or student teachers' cultures and their impact or effects on learning behavior and per­formance. The chosen informants for this study were categorized into three groups, namely: the strong (the high performing or with very satisfactory rating), the middle (the average performers or with satisfactory rating), and the weak (the below average or with "needs improvement" rating). Despite the assertion of the college professors that they have given the apprentice or student teachers comprehensive input and practical training on the undergraduate level, we, the student teaching mentors or critic teachers, discov­ered the discrepancy between the pronouncements of the college professors and the apprentice or student teachers' ability in the execution of the various classroom assignments and requirements such as lesson planning, strategies, and classroom management. They were also restrained by their limited communication skills, both spoken and written. The goal of this study was to produce a program that would cater to the needs of the apprentice teachers .based on the extent of their cultures' impact on their learning be­havior and performance or grades. We designed interviews with the focus group members (who validated the responses of the dif­ferent informants) and the individual informants to be enlightened about the very nature of the informants' individuality as student teachers
