

Hung Hwei Liu


Job stress is considered to be an increasing problem of correctional officers for prison management. The occupation of correctional officers is a high-risk industry, and there is increasing attention that correctional officers reported to an increase in job stress and there was no much further information about this problem in Taiwan. This study adopted the model of Job Demand-Control-Support (JDCS) and job stress to predict job satisfaction in 281 correctional officers in Taiwan. We also employed a confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model (SEM) to justify hypotheses being explored. The results show that social support positively influenced job satisfaction; monitoring, operational, organizational demand and job stress negatively affected their job satisfaction. Finally, this study also justified that a female correctional officer had higher job stress than male correctional officers. For government agencies, the supervisor needs to give more care and rewards to correctional officers and give them more work autonomy. Supervisors need to adopt transformational leadership and to avoid working too long for correctional officers. Executive supervisors should also pay attention to the work pressure of female employees and give them more social support.
