

This study determined the effects of classical or soft and fast or stimulative music on the duration of the second stage of labor among primigravida or women in their first pregnancy at the Cebu City Medi­cal Center. An experimental design was utilized in this study with an experimental and a control group. The treatment utilized in this study was music therapy which was classified into two: classical or soft music and stimulating or fast music, and these also served as its independent variables. The dependent variable was the duration of the second stage of labor from the full cervical dilatation to the delivery of the baby which was measured in minutes using a stopwatch. A random sampling was utilized with the following criteria considered: a) Primigravida or women on their first pregnancy who were admitted at the Delivery Room; b) age bracket: 20-30 years old; c) no complications related to pregnancy. All respondents had Normal Spontaneous Vaginal Delivery (NSVD). Each qualified participant was chosen randomly and assigned randomly to each of the three conditions. A total of forty-five respon­dents (15 for the classical music group, 15 for fast music group and 15 for silence or the control group) were selected. The shorter the second stage of labor, the more effective was the treatment provided. The find­ings revea.led that the group of mothers who had no music (mean= 14.8) had the shortest duration of the second stage of labor, followed by the group using fast music (mean= !6.8) and the longest duration was that of the group using slow music (mean=35.87). ANOVA computation was done (F= l4.91) which was significant at p=.05. Scheffe's Test further showed that fast music was more effective in hastening the second stage of labor than slow music and a significant difference between the slow music group and the no music group was also identified.
