

This study determined the conciliation competencies of the Lupong Tagapamayapa (Conciliation Committee) of selected barangays in Cebu City. The study was conducted in 4 barangays, namely: Barangay Gua­dalupe and Barangay Sapangdaku from the South District and Barangay San Antonio and Barangay Hipodromo from the North District. In­cluded in this study were the members of the Lupon of Barangays Sa­pangdaku, Guadalupe, San Antonio and Hipodromo who were ap­pointed by the barangay captains by virtue of Section 399 of the 1991 Local Government Code of the Philippines, which states: "The punong Barangay, taking into consideration the proposed appointments or any recommendation for appointment, shall, within IO days after posting appoint members who shall be determined to be suitable therefore." The results revealed that the majority of the Lupon members be­longed to 60 years old and above bracket rooted.This was historically historically in the fact that the early local paralegal system was already settling family or neighborhood disputes through their village council of elders presided over by the village chieftain or datu. The Lupon mem­bers of Barangays Guadalupe, Sapangdaku, San Antonio and Hipo­dromo were highly competent in the conciliation competencies in the aspects of integrity, impartiality and fairness, independence of mind, proficiency and reputation. But their clients were not satisfied with their manner of exercising barangay justice. Age, gender, educational attainment, and number of years serving in the Lupon had no bearing on their level of competence. There were no noted differences in the level of conciliation competencies of the Lupon members in Barangays Gua­dalupe, Sapangdaku, Hipodoromo and San Antonio.
